The movie begins in 1987, where Dr. Ben Carson (Cuba Gooding, Jr.) goes to Germany to help a couple named Peter and Augusta Rausch, who havetwins conjoined at the head. Ben knows that there is a chance to a successful separation of the conjoined twins, but there is also a risk. In previous attempts to separate conjoined twins at the head, one sibling always dies. Despite the risk of death, Ben agrees to operate, but he will wait four months so he can carefully formulate a plan to save the twins. While looking into some of his books, the movie flashes back to the year 1961, where 11-year-old Ben Carson (Jaishon Fisher) starts out life as an African Americanchild from a one-parent home with failing grades at school. His mother, who dropped out in the third grade, starts making decisions for him and his brother, Curtis. When her boys need to learn multiplication tables, she has them swear to learn them while she is gone, checked into a mental institution. When she sees her two sons' success hindered by TV, she creates a strict TV schedule for them. The brothers show great interest in watching only a quiz show later on. She commands them to read two books per week from the library and give her book reports on them. Later, she also transfers them to a better school.
Meanwhile as time passes, Ben learns how to multiply and spell. He starts to explore the world of books, and he grows in it. He begins to show a temper; Ben nearly kills a friend who tells him to go to hell. Ben's failed stabbing involved his new knife another student gave him earlier. His knife broke when it hit the buckle of his friend's belt. Having almost killed someone because of his temper, he realizes that he can't do anything about it by himself . Ben runs into his room and cries out to God, praying for him to take away his temper. Ben's temper never bothers him again. He becomes the top student in his eighth grade class, third in his high school class, and with hard work and strong determination, he gets a scholarship to college, passes the MCAT and advances to medical school. Ben meets his girlfriend Candy, whom he falls in love with in school. One day, when he struggles with a test study, Candy helps him out, and Ben eventually passes and gets an A.
In the year 1976, Carson faced adversity from fellow doctors and students while working at Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore, Maryland. It is here, where he operated as a resident without supervision, risking his medical career to save a young man's life but is successful. Then in the year of 1985, he saved the life of a girl who had 100 seizures per day, by only removing the half of her brain responsible for causing the seizures in a rare procedure called a hemispherectomy. After two children, Candy, his wife, becomes pregnant with twins, but has a bloody miscarriage. Ben's mother later moves in with the family.
Then, the movie returns to where it left off: the year of 1987, where Dr. Ben Carson agreed to conduct a risky surgery on twins conjoined at the head. With four months nearing an end but Ben cannot figure out one final component of the plan. But then he gets an inspiration and green-lights the operation. After about 22 hours, the operation proves a success when he and his team of doctors manage to successfully separate the baby twins to save two young lives.